"Met a mediocre looking girl on bumble. She seemed interested in sex. So I tried to set it up. It had been a while since I'd had sex. Then she asked for a nude picture. I suspected she was some sort of scammer. I said no to giving her nudes. I still asked to meet up in hopes of sex. She says yes and when I ask where to meet up she responds "Hell". Bet she got a real kick out of that. An average looking trashy girl gets to see a guy drool all over her during a conversation only to abruptly end it by making sure he knows his advances are really little more than a joke to her."
Incels are an interesting group. Men who want sex but can't get any. Or maybe men who want human connection but are desperately lonely. Or maybe they're entitled losers who think they are entitled to women.
"At a bar alone. Drunk as shit like usual. Tried talking to girls. After all, if i'm being honest, that's why I was there. I was there to have sex or at least meet someone to have sex with. I had talked to and even made out with a few girls there but never gotten laid from the bars. These girls weren't all that attractive. But they were in there early 20s and, unless they were fat or had a hideous face, they exuded enough sexual appeal to get all sorts of male attention. They're cockiness pissed me off. If all males and females could be given a percentile score in terms of their mate value (using things like looks, intelligence, etc), I'm confident I'd have a higher rank among males than many of these sluts who turn me down do among women. And yet I get rejected so carelessly. It's not even the rejection. It's the utter disgust and contempt in their body language that I would even have the audacity to think that i could buy them a drink. Fuck them."
Incels are a hated group, now. There's both a evolutionary and cultural hatred towards them. On an evolutionary basis, incels are the males who, in anything other than a monogamous society, probably don't get to reproduce. Culturally, they lack the cultural points that comes with being an officially designated minority and they lack the good looks and charm that could otherwise give them clout. Some of them are intelligent and might even do well financially, but they are never going to be a sympathetic or desired group.
"Walking across campus with a feigned confidence. Read online that confidence is what attracts females. I wear nice clothes because it exudes wealth, which I've read attracts females. My face and body are objectively attractive and my intelligence is high. And yet the attractive females I see are with fraternity guys. Fraternity guys who aren't objectively attractive nor have much career potential. I always heard from girls that guys must accept that they are as shallow as us. No. I wish girls were shallow. This isn't shallow. At least not in the same way guys are. If girls were into purely looks like guys, I could live with that. If they were into money, that would be fine too. But instead, they're interested in whoever happens to be involved in the right social circles. I suppose it's evolutionary."
Incels aren't really a new thing. Indeed, throughout the history of mankind, particularly in polygamous societies, most males have been "incels". Today they are just louder. Our society has gotten less monogamous in the last 50 years due to the sexual revolution. The media contributes to the perception that sex is abundant (and it is to a certain degree). The "incels" look at this culture with bitterness. They aren't bitter because they feel entitled. They are bitter because, to them, the lack of sexual attention they get is a reflection of their lack of worth. Their repulsiveness. An understandable anger indeed.
"This girl is talking openly about how much sex she's had with guys. I guess she thinks it's impressive. How empowered and sexual she is. A true 21st century woman. Or maybe this is just how she thinks people talks. She talks about how a guy is attractive. The guy in question is a big loser and ugly by conventional standards. But he's well liked and popular. I guess she's trying to justify her own attraction as being based on some objective measure rather than just a reaction to the social environment. At least men's attraction to women, while simple, doesn't entirely depend on context. I wish she wouldn't talk about this shit. I'd like to fuck her but I have a thought that she'd give me the same stupid look if I ever asked."
It's interesting that so many people look at incels as a scourge or mockable group. They're a product of a dysfunctional society. A dysfunctional way of dealing with gender relations. They're, in many ways, the losers from the last 50 years of cultural change. I don't know if there's a solution to their woes. Bitterness and anger is understandable.
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